Friday, April 07, 2006

Where can I go where it is nice and warm??

Where can I go where it is nice and warm, silent from everyone, where my diaper dries by itself, has a built in alarm when my cycle is done, and mom will never find me? THE DRYER - HOW UNSAFE IS THAT!!!!

Folding the laundry yesterday, I went into the bedroom to hang up my work pants, came back out and found Quinn in the dryer! So I did what every scrapbooking mom does - took the opportunity for a photo shoot! Then I did the responsible thing and took her out, relaying the message on how we should not play in it, and never, ever close the door - sort of. You have to admit, she did look pretty darn cute! Thank goodness she did not have any "unmentionables" on her head at the time!!!!!


Anonymous said...

TOO CUTE!! She is hilarious! Did she nod her head yes when you were explaining not to shut the door? What a cutie....

Anna K said...

a very funny post considering your last one was the "Tom Thumb school of safety." What a monkey! Thank goodness our girls can't teach each other all their bad habits, mine with the eating things and throwing things and yours with the crawling into things.

Sherri said...

That is soooo cute Michelle. I love it!!!!!!