Tuesday, April 25, 2006

small stutter...

Just ignore the fact that I posted the last entry twice. I must have stuttered on the button. Not like I am perfect or anything, or for those of you that thought that - sorry to burst that whole dream. Talk soon. Another sunny day here on the Island and I think that I might garden before I am off to the Museum as a driver for Hayley's school field trip......ah the lovely downtown Victoria. Remind me to be considerate to the tourists that proceed to walk in the middle of the road, while I, a Victoria driver, proceed to NEVER remember where I am going, and drive without "due care and attention". But officer, I am paying attention - paying attention to the sale signs at the Gap, my children singing Raffi in the back, the tourists with the many bags they are carrying, and always on the lookout for the nearest Starbucks......


Anna K said...

Ah, I am so jealous. Wish I were there with you, drinking Starbucks, shopping at the Gap and yes even singing Raffi and playing with the dirt and worms.

Anonymous said...

Silly monkey....