Wednesday, April 12, 2006


She did it!!!!! She won the gold medal for the overall Canskate Champion!!! The girl standing next to her is Sierra, who is the same age, and won a medal for "most levels passed" - she went from level 1 to level 6 in one season!!! I am so proud of her, she is the ONLY skater from the Victoria club that is in spring skate, and is LOVING it!!! OOOOh, I think I am destined to be a skater mom - better get a second job. My mom was telling me that when my sister was preparing for the BC Winter Games she needed new skates. They were $725!!!! Eek, I wonder how many tables I will have to wait on to make that kind of money? That would be two full weekends of work, wage and tips, not spending it on ANYTHING else. Or, we could just forfiet paying our rent for one month, one of the two. Anyhow, will sign off now, proud as ever for my big girl!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm so proud of you Hayley!!! She looks SOOO darn HAPPY in that picture! Way to go sweetie!! You're a star!