Saturday, December 30, 2006
My skating beauty
Hayley had the opportunity to go to Buchart Gardens on December 17th, with her dad. I was quite upset as this was the second year in a row that I had to work and could not attend the outdoor fun. Unknown to me, my new "skating mom/friend" took all the photos that you see and emailed them to me so that I could see how her solo went. I absolutely love the one of the silouette of her face, with the blurry skaters in the background. Might have to talk to one of my photography buddies (aka Mel and Annamarie) and have them help me to enlarge it to a 5X7 to have framed......
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Christmas Concert

Yes, the Winter Concert was yesterday. Me, Quinn and one daycare girl went to the festivies during the day. I have to say, it was darn cute. The long boring parts (read:when Hayley was not on stage) was made up by Quinn dancing in the seats yelling "Santa ho ho ho" and "reeendeer neigh neigh" periodically. That and random songs, that I had no idea had to do with Christmas, but I guess Hawaii has it own version of it, and the words were all changed in the song "Walking in a Winter WOnderland" to fit the West Coast weather, now it is "Walking in a Wacky Weatherland". We had wind of over 90km/hour again yesterday.....
I had to say goodbye to Hayley today. She is off to Calgary for Christmas. It really has not hit me, probably some tears on Christmas. I am feeling off - I cannot understand how your mind and body can become accustomed to saying goodbye to your own daughter and have it become strangely normal? I know that she will have a great time, and she flies with her grandparents, and with her Poppies' health - it may be one of the last times that they go away at Christmas, and so I am comforted in that. Plus we all were together last Christmas in Quesnel, and it would be selfish of me to have her every holiday. So glad that my mom and dad and their Korean exchange student are comeing here (granted that the Island does not blow away) to help with Christmas. I think the saddest part is not that I want Hayley here for Christmas (I do), but more importantly, Quinn misses her so much. I wanted to see them together to open pressies. Just the pure, untouched joy on their faces.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Some photos of the holiday

The girls and I had a great short visit with my mom and dad this past weekend. We went for a surprise visit for my dad's 60th birthday, and he thoroughly enjoyed being with the girls. We will see them on the 23rd as they are coming to spend Christmas with us here. I cannot wait.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I am a bad aunty. A very bad aunty. I got so damn excited about my sister having a baby that I spelled her name wrong, got her middle name wrong, and probably sent the gift to the wrong person. I really wonder where my head was at that day. So 10000 apologies to Stephie, and here, in tribute to my new neice, are some photos and her correct name. Enjoy.
Monday, November 27, 2006

Well, it came. We shut down. We are officially on an island now. We have no passable highway, we have no buses running, no flights out, no ferries running - and for 50,000 homes - no power.
We are the lucky ones here in View Royal (our suburb), as we have not lost our power, and really, we have no need to go anywhere. We are finally eating the fruit from the summer that I froze - yummy smoothies - and our freezer has lots of meat and veggies as well. We have loads of milk, movies, diapers, and hot water - so today is no different than any other day, other than the winter wonderland that is outside the window. Now, I grew up in Quesnel, where we had plunging temperatures all winter, and I find it cold here. We are sitting at -10, but for us in the garden city, it is chilly. I am actually wearing socks and long pants today!!!!!
Hayley, on the other hand, is not so lucky, or maybe she is the luckiest one of all!! She is at Carole and Eric's (her grandparents) who live in Prospect Lake. The have fallen trees, power has been out since 4pm last night, and over 3 feet of snow. Her boots are here!!!!! From what I hear, she is doing more than fine, with bbq steaks, baked potatoes and beans cooked over the wood stove, lots of candlelight and board games. Not to mention snow forts, snow princesses and time spent with those that love her. In my selfishness I hope that she will be able to make it out tomorrow.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I am an AUNTY again!!!
My sister, my very baby sister, became a mom on Wednesday! She and Shea had a baby girl, her name is Elizabeth Kadance Anne Delany. She will be called Kadance - I cannot believe that the little bundle of joy has finally arrived! She weighed 5 lbs 8 ozs and both mommy and baby are doing well.
All my love and joy go out to Steph and Shea, for being blessed with the most amazing gift of all - to see the world through your child's eyes. Congratulations and I love you!
Congrats to my mom and dad too - for now they are the proud grandparents of FOUR grand-daughters! Hayley, Emily, Quinn all welcome little Kadance into the world. YAHOO!
All my love and joy go out to Steph and Shea, for being blessed with the most amazing gift of all - to see the world through your child's eyes. Congratulations and I love you!
Congrats to my mom and dad too - for now they are the proud grandparents of FOUR grand-daughters! Hayley, Emily, Quinn all welcome little Kadance into the world. YAHOO!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Games Families Play
The word on the street is that Family Game Night can cure what ails your clan. These are the games that you cannot find on the toy shelf at your local WALLLMART. (borrowed from Today's Parent, November 2006):
object- Players compete to see who can monopolize mom's attention to the exclusion of all other siblings.
how to play - Ignore mother until she's talking to one of your siblings. Interrupt with an urgent request for assistance - with braiding your hair, a permission form to be signed, the proper way to draw a spaceship.
how to win - Make the request that finally sends mom fleeing from the room. Bonus points if she hollers, "Go ask your father!!!"
object - Players try to reduce mom's or dad's disposable income to zero.
how to play - On payday (or any day), wake parents at dawn and start listing the stuff you need. Five dollars for Hot Dog day or a buck for chocolate milk? Is the field trip or book-order payment almost due? Or maybe you've had your eye on some new running shoes or the latest PS2 game.
how to win - Be the first to wald away with a fistful of cash and a commitment from mom to order pizza for supper.
object - To make mom or dad wonder why they were so anxious for you to learn to write.
how to play - Using pencils, pens, crayons, markers and even lipstick, print your name. Draw a happy face. Practise your cursive. When you have gone through an entire pad of sticky notes (usually in about 10 minutes), turn to the walls and furniture.
how to win - Be the first to cover the refrigerator and bulletin board with "art". Bonus points if your parents have to haul out the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
object - To encourage parents' growth of grey hair and facial tics. (Note: toddlers and teens seem to have the upper hand in this game).
how to play - Amaze mom and dad with your daring behaviour. Scale the fridge to see what's on top. Taste the spider plant. Build a skateboard ramp with a brick and a piece of panelling. Find out where the sharp knives are.
how to win - Be the first to get mom or dad to say, "If you break a leg, don't come running to me."
object - To make your parents' eyes glaze over with boredom.
how to play - After school or during dinner, fill mom and dad in on the events of the day. "And then Suzy says......and I'm like.....and then Johnny comes up I'm like.....and the teacher's like......". Pause occasionally for breath and be sure to wave your arms for emphasis.
how to win - Get mom or dad to confess that they stopped listening 10 minutes ago.
I thought this was apt, although I do see myself playing any and all of the above mentioned games on any given day. Now, can we invent a game to win with our kids.......
object- Players compete to see who can monopolize mom's attention to the exclusion of all other siblings.
how to play - Ignore mother until she's talking to one of your siblings. Interrupt with an urgent request for assistance - with braiding your hair, a permission form to be signed, the proper way to draw a spaceship.
how to win - Make the request that finally sends mom fleeing from the room. Bonus points if she hollers, "Go ask your father!!!"
object - Players try to reduce mom's or dad's disposable income to zero.
how to play - On payday (or any day), wake parents at dawn and start listing the stuff you need. Five dollars for Hot Dog day or a buck for chocolate milk? Is the field trip or book-order payment almost due? Or maybe you've had your eye on some new running shoes or the latest PS2 game.
how to win - Be the first to wald away with a fistful of cash and a commitment from mom to order pizza for supper.
object - To make mom or dad wonder why they were so anxious for you to learn to write.
how to play - Using pencils, pens, crayons, markers and even lipstick, print your name. Draw a happy face. Practise your cursive. When you have gone through an entire pad of sticky notes (usually in about 10 minutes), turn to the walls and furniture.
how to win - Be the first to cover the refrigerator and bulletin board with "art". Bonus points if your parents have to haul out the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
object - To encourage parents' growth of grey hair and facial tics. (Note: toddlers and teens seem to have the upper hand in this game).
how to play - Amaze mom and dad with your daring behaviour. Scale the fridge to see what's on top. Taste the spider plant. Build a skateboard ramp with a brick and a piece of panelling. Find out where the sharp knives are.
how to win - Be the first to get mom or dad to say, "If you break a leg, don't come running to me."
object - To make your parents' eyes glaze over with boredom.
how to play - After school or during dinner, fill mom and dad in on the events of the day. "And then Suzy says......and I'm like.....and then Johnny comes up I'm like.....and the teacher's like......". Pause occasionally for breath and be sure to wave your arms for emphasis.
how to win - Get mom or dad to confess that they stopped listening 10 minutes ago.
I thought this was apt, although I do see myself playing any and all of the above mentioned games on any given day. Now, can we invent a game to win with our kids.......
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Apparently skirts are optional....

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Christmas Tags

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Halloween Antics with the kiddies

Had a great Halloween. Made out with a ton of candies. Girls were happy and strung out on sugar and anticipation all night. Those were the days! I remember going out in Quesnel, with my dad or mom in the warm car, travelling down Lombardie, Cypress and Dogwood, with the pillowcase in tow. Then we were off to the bonfire at the Kin Hall with hotdogs and hot chocolate. In THOSE days there was usually snow on the ground for trick or treating. A great holiday, and we live in the perfect place for it - not only do we have 50 townhouses in our complex, there are 63 in the one next door. That is 113 potential treat houses! When we came home that night our bowl that we left on the step with all the candy in it - still had some in it! Talk about a great neighbourhood!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The BEST Sunday ever!
Today I was at a "ALL DAY SCRAP CROP", which was soooooooo much fun. It was only $20, lasted from 9:30-5:30 and there was about 25 of us there. It was in a big multi purpose "hall", run by the Military Families. Basically it was license to scrap, all day, no interuptions, no kids. There was a big table of "garage sale" items, free items, and a portable store there as well. Not to mention all the other girls' albums, which are chock a block full of inspiration. I managed to get all of Hayley's kindergarten pages done (which did not require a lot of talent, just some cut and paste, assembling some order from the shoe box to the memory album), four layouts for Quinn (her first steps - I am THAT far behind), and the beginnings of a generation album. It is a 8 X 8 album, and in it we are doing all the family surrounding us with all the offspring that we have created. Basically a album of family. I was very proud of my accomplishments. I even won a door prize, which was enough paper and supplies for 8 Christmas pages, as well as a album (sadly not the same size as the paper, but beautiful on it's own).
It was so uplifting to go and do something for my own creative necessity. I met some wonderful people there, got inspired to continue on, and most importantly, recharged my scrap batteries. I cannot wait until the next one!!!
It was so uplifting to go and do something for my own creative necessity. I met some wonderful people there, got inspired to continue on, and most importantly, recharged my scrap batteries. I cannot wait until the next one!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The big bad burn...

Now we will see the ocupational therapist to check in and make sure that she is not losing any function in her arm, and if all goes well, we can put it behind us!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Just for you
Updated as you requested Melanie Ann Olson. Read and enjoy. Thanks for sponsering my cosco trip last night. Love spending time with you - although have to admit, I do live vicariously through you and your adventures. Life as a mom, would NEVER trade it for anything, but you are fun, out late and able to live life as you choose. Good as well. Thank you my friend!
(I will never know if you read this though - you NEVER comment!!!!!)
(I will never know if you read this though - you NEVER comment!!!!!)
A day at the firehall

On Saturday our local fire hall had an open house, with tours in the firetruck, hotdogs, games and everything. The girls and I thought we would check it out. Little did we know that we would easily spend two hours there, trying everything out. Hayley LOVED it. She was the first one in line to ride in the truck, spray the hose, run the ladder, try on the gear, use the "jaws of life" on an old car, spray a fire out with a hand held hose, drag a body, use the ax, and the list goes on and on...... Quinn was content to eat a ketchup bun and hold my hand. I think that she was in awe of all the firemen in the gear! Or maybe that was me.....
We had a great time, and a wonderful way to stay in touch with our community. Plus, as a bonus, it taught the girls a bit about fire safety, although I have to admit, ANYONE looks good in a uniform coming in to save me.....oops, I digress again.....
Friday, October 06, 2006
Five strange things about me..
I was tagged by Mel, and so here it is...
1. Closet doors have to be closed before I sleep. It creeps me out to see inside them when I am laying in my bed. Throughout the day it really does not matter though.
2. I have about 7 pairs of runners, only of which two I wear. The other five look like elf shoes on my feet, but cannot give them away.
3. I still have both sets of clothes that the girls wore home from the hospital. Sentimental - maybe. Pack rat - most likely.
4. Socks go on last. Always. Never without fail.
5. I NEVER shower before going into the pool. I NEVER shower after I am finished in the pool. The thought of other people showering there totally CREEPS me out.
6. And one for good measure - I have to put mosturizer on everywhere, everyday, without fail. I have to put hand lotion on before I go to bed. I always have Burt's Bees in my pocket for my lips. I have a phobia about feeling "chappy".
Tag - done. Maybe not as strange as most....but strange for me.
1. Closet doors have to be closed before I sleep. It creeps me out to see inside them when I am laying in my bed. Throughout the day it really does not matter though.
2. I have about 7 pairs of runners, only of which two I wear. The other five look like elf shoes on my feet, but cannot give them away.
3. I still have both sets of clothes that the girls wore home from the hospital. Sentimental - maybe. Pack rat - most likely.
4. Socks go on last. Always. Never without fail.
5. I NEVER shower before going into the pool. I NEVER shower after I am finished in the pool. The thought of other people showering there totally CREEPS me out.
6. And one for good measure - I have to put mosturizer on everywhere, everyday, without fail. I have to put hand lotion on before I go to bed. I always have Burt's Bees in my pocket for my lips. I have a phobia about feeling "chappy".
Tag - done. Maybe not as strange as most....but strange for me.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A day in the sunshine

I realized that my posts have been less than cheery as of late, and so I thought I would add in that we are doing well, and if Hayley will ever stop going long enough, then I will get a photo of her too!!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Licorice All sorts
Well guys and gals, it has been forever, and so I thought I would finally put finger to keyboard, and give you all the Reader's Digest version of what is going on. Grab a chai tea, big coffee, or glass of wine and enjoy the read.....
Things are nutty! We are finally not having to go to the burn unit every day for Quinn. The wound has healed over about 80% and we are now into the second stage of healing, which is pressure bandage. She has a sleeve of tight neoprene that she has to wear 23 1/2 hours a day which will (hopefully) enable the scar to heal flat instead of all lumpy bumpy. She pulls on it and says "tight tight" but it is not that bad. Aside from all the looks and sideways glances we receive, it is ALL GOOD. Thanking our lucky stars on that one.
Hayley has begun skating, and so off to the rink two times a week again. She has so much more confidence than last year, and continues to have fun. I am glad that we opted to go again. The rink is the brand new Save On Foods Memorial, and so it is warm as well. No more Quesnel Twin Arena, cold as all get out, warming up under the six stratigically placed heaters with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. Although I have to admit when my friend the Queen and I were rink rats we were not at all concerned about being cold, in our mini skirts, and "spiked slurpees" - if we even remotely looked chilly, a big hockey player would gladly give us their Millionaire jacket! Oh the thought of leather sleeved jackets - four sizes too big - with the name stiched on the arm...haven't had that thought in a while! But again, I digress.....
Roger is busy disecting another room to it is the downstairs bathroom. In my humble opinion, that room needs to be bombed and started all over again. It is the size of some woman's shoe closet with about as much appeal as a bologne sandwich. Nothing is going to make that room better. But all the power to him, men and their power tools.
Me. Me. What can I say about me??? I have managed to program my MP3 player and am walk/running every day. My a$$ is so sore that I am discovering muscles that I haven't heard from in years. That will be my luck - I will develop a ghetto booty. I am blaming the sore bottom on the fact that I am having to push the stroller, single or double one, everywhere that I go. Not to mention that Hayley's school is straight uphill, taunting me with a cold beer and wine store, a pub, a hairsalon, an antique store, and a corner store that I could quite easily purchase a chocolate bar in. All things that I would rather do than get into shape. But my hard work is paying off, yesterday I bought a pair of yoga capri pants in a size small, and my last pair of pants were a size 6!!! The baby belly - now that is a different story. Roger had the nerve yesterday to tell me that I was TOO small. Is that not an oxymoron? Kinda like jumbo shrimp? My goal is not to be small, but to be strong. Then I can really kick his butt!!!
The most glorious sound in the world was yesterday - according to my friend the Queen. The thump. Although mine is a little different, but the outcome is the same. The day that the mailman brings me the latest copy of Scrapbook ETC. YAHOO! Love this mag, still leafing through the past issues, but it is enough to get my creative juices flowing. Finished a mini album, about 20 pages of our trip to Tofino wayyyyyyy back in May. Love it. Going to an all day scrappin' workshop and crop on the 22nd of October. Believe it or not, a regular that comes into Moxies invited me to come with her, and it turns out that she is very fun to be with! Strange how life deals out the cards sometimes.
Well, there it is in a nut shell. My licorice allsorts of a life. Miss everyone and love everyone.
Things are nutty! We are finally not having to go to the burn unit every day for Quinn. The wound has healed over about 80% and we are now into the second stage of healing, which is pressure bandage. She has a sleeve of tight neoprene that she has to wear 23 1/2 hours a day which will (hopefully) enable the scar to heal flat instead of all lumpy bumpy. She pulls on it and says "tight tight" but it is not that bad. Aside from all the looks and sideways glances we receive, it is ALL GOOD. Thanking our lucky stars on that one.
Hayley has begun skating, and so off to the rink two times a week again. She has so much more confidence than last year, and continues to have fun. I am glad that we opted to go again. The rink is the brand new Save On Foods Memorial, and so it is warm as well. No more Quesnel Twin Arena, cold as all get out, warming up under the six stratigically placed heaters with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. Although I have to admit when my friend the Queen and I were rink rats we were not at all concerned about being cold, in our mini skirts, and "spiked slurpees" - if we even remotely looked chilly, a big hockey player would gladly give us their Millionaire jacket! Oh the thought of leather sleeved jackets - four sizes too big - with the name stiched on the arm...haven't had that thought in a while! But again, I digress.....
Roger is busy disecting another room to it is the downstairs bathroom. In my humble opinion, that room needs to be bombed and started all over again. It is the size of some woman's shoe closet with about as much appeal as a bologne sandwich. Nothing is going to make that room better. But all the power to him, men and their power tools.
Me. Me. What can I say about me??? I have managed to program my MP3 player and am walk/running every day. My a$$ is so sore that I am discovering muscles that I haven't heard from in years. That will be my luck - I will develop a ghetto booty. I am blaming the sore bottom on the fact that I am having to push the stroller, single or double one, everywhere that I go. Not to mention that Hayley's school is straight uphill, taunting me with a cold beer and wine store, a pub, a hairsalon, an antique store, and a corner store that I could quite easily purchase a chocolate bar in. All things that I would rather do than get into shape. But my hard work is paying off, yesterday I bought a pair of yoga capri pants in a size small, and my last pair of pants were a size 6!!! The baby belly - now that is a different story. Roger had the nerve yesterday to tell me that I was TOO small. Is that not an oxymoron? Kinda like jumbo shrimp? My goal is not to be small, but to be strong. Then I can really kick his butt!!!
The most glorious sound in the world was yesterday - according to my friend the Queen. The thump. Although mine is a little different, but the outcome is the same. The day that the mailman brings me the latest copy of Scrapbook ETC. YAHOO! Love this mag, still leafing through the past issues, but it is enough to get my creative juices flowing. Finished a mini album, about 20 pages of our trip to Tofino wayyyyyyy back in May. Love it. Going to an all day scrappin' workshop and crop on the 22nd of October. Believe it or not, a regular that comes into Moxies invited me to come with her, and it turns out that she is very fun to be with! Strange how life deals out the cards sometimes.
Well, there it is in a nut shell. My licorice allsorts of a life. Miss everyone and love everyone.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Some good news........finally
Well, the verdict is that Quinners will probably NOT need a skin graft. We are very relieved. We do know, however, that she will require some surgery from the Plastic Surgeon though. We found out an interesting piece of gossip though....Dr. Taylor is the leading Plastic Surgeon for burn patients in all of North America, he is very conservative, and feels that it is invasive and un-nescissary in most circumstances to do skin grafts on children under two. Their skin is very resilient and full of elastic and in MOST cases will heal on it's own. That being said, we will probably go and see him to have the scar tissue removed so that it does not hamper her movement and mobility. Seeing the wound today was encouraging, the outer edges are healing well, going back to the "normal pink", while the inner, most damaged part, has lost its thick white escar. That is a good thing. The middle part has never bled, which is not so encouraging though, that means that nerve damage and blood vessel damage has happened, but we will wait out the two weeks (which will be Wednesday) and we will see how it looks then.
On my end, I have aquired a new day care girl. She is wonderful, three years old, in pre-school and will come and be with us on Monday all day, and then on Tuesday and Thurday mornings. She goes to the neighbourhood preschool and her older sister and Hayley are in the same grade. She is a fun loving, full of energy little girl, and will be a great addition to have here. Especially for my little boy that comes, who will be three in January, to have someone to play with. It also means that I can give up one more shift at Moxies, which leaves me with just two now. Slowly but surely I will be able to leave.
House renos are doing fine. Roger has been so great doing things while I worked. The painting is complete, and the closet doors are done. The moulding (trim) is 3/4 cut and put up. The heaters are all updated and installed. He is so wonderful and handy - I am lucky. That and he is working 6 days a week right now!!!!!!!!! Kudos to the man I love!
On my end, I have aquired a new day care girl. She is wonderful, three years old, in pre-school and will come and be with us on Monday all day, and then on Tuesday and Thurday mornings. She goes to the neighbourhood preschool and her older sister and Hayley are in the same grade. She is a fun loving, full of energy little girl, and will be a great addition to have here. Especially for my little boy that comes, who will be three in January, to have someone to play with. It also means that I can give up one more shift at Moxies, which leaves me with just two now. Slowly but surely I will be able to leave.
House renos are doing fine. Roger has been so great doing things while I worked. The painting is complete, and the closet doors are done. The moulding (trim) is 3/4 cut and put up. The heaters are all updated and installed. He is so wonderful and handy - I am lucky. That and he is working 6 days a week right now!!!!!!!!! Kudos to the man I love!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My big brave girl

Well here she is, all bundled up. The prognosis is that she will need a graft, how big will be determined on Friday with the consultation with the pediatrician plastic surgeon. Dr. Taylor is a burn specialist, and so I feel confident that we will reach a educated decision on what is best for Quinn.
On a positive note, my mom is here. She came on Sunday night and is leaving tomorrow, but we have had an awesome visit. She has spent a great amount of time with the girls, and Hayley has loved having her here. They have such a special bond. It has been a huge help with going back and forth to the burn unit everyday as well.
Don't have much to report, but know that you tune in for updates. Hope to let you know more on Friday. Thank you for your well wishes, thoughts and prayers. Quinners and the family loves you for it!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Something unexpected happened...
Well on Wednesday night as I was talking to my sister on the phone, a HUGE accident happened to Quinn. She tugged on the end table drawer and it had just enough force behind it to knock over my tea on her. We rushed her into the bathroom and took off her jammies and saw a big burn on the inside of her right elbow, 6" by 6". I took her into emergency right away and the Doctor treated it and wrapped it and sent us home, only to be recommended to the Burn Unit of the Jubilee Hospital for a series of appointments. Yesterday we went back and Quinn had her arm looked at by a burn specialist, as well as a Plastic Surgeon, and a Dermatologist. The end result is that it is 2nd degree burns throughout with superficial (surface) 3rd degree. In layman talk that is through the dermis and epidermis layer of skin and into the subcutanious fatty tissue where blood vessel and tissue is damaged. That layer cannot repair itself on its own and needs graphs to reattach it together. We are going day to day, with the hope that her young, baby skin will heal a lot on it's own - but we are also aware of many painful proceedures in the future.
Quinn is a real mystery though. She goes about her day, happy as a lark, never even knowing that she suffered this major burn. She insists on wearing long sleeved shirts and the only time that she really puts up a fight is when we have to walk into the hospital room. I know she knows it is going to be painful. She never cries, never complains, never whines. I need to take a lesson on strength from my little wonder.
Think of us, and next time the phone rings and it is the Firefighter Burn Unit looking for a donation, think of all the great work that they do - and how baby Quinn needs them right now.
Quinn is a real mystery though. She goes about her day, happy as a lark, never even knowing that she suffered this major burn. She insists on wearing long sleeved shirts and the only time that she really puts up a fight is when we have to walk into the hospital room. I know she knows it is going to be painful. She never cries, never complains, never whines. I need to take a lesson on strength from my little wonder.
Think of us, and next time the phone rings and it is the Firefighter Burn Unit looking for a donation, think of all the great work that they do - and how baby Quinn needs them right now.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Wanting the best....
As a parent, of course you want to protect your kids. Without hesitation. Yesterday made me want to take Hayley in my heart, protect her, and keep her safe. My heart just broke when her dad brought her back to the house last night. He told her that his job was going to take him to Vancouver - which for those of you that are unfamiliar with - is a ferry ride away. In the grand scheme of things it is not that far - but unbeknownst to Hayley, he will eventually be farther. She ADORES her dad, he is her shining light, her knight, her "does no wrong". For her to understand that he is moving is not easy. Both her dad and I have spoke in great lengths about this new job, and he would be foolish to not take it, the worst thing is that he leaves Hayley behind because of it. I also know that time will make it easier for her to understand. Just think, she can go on the plane and see him by HERSELF when she is seven. It was the tears and the sad, sad, sad, face when they said goodbye. Had a cry myself. After we sat and talked she was much better, but it still breaks my heart to see her cry.
Lots to look forward to today, it is the first day of school today. She has her new backpack all ready, with her new indoor shoes and granola bar already inside. I hope that it is stress free and she gets the teacher that she will learn the most from. Cheers to a new school year!
Lots to look forward to today, it is the first day of school today. She has her new backpack all ready, with her new indoor shoes and granola bar already inside. I hope that it is stress free and she gets the teacher that she will learn the most from. Cheers to a new school year!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Everyone, meet Eva.

On a vain note - not a bad photo of me either!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Summer holidays squished into two days!

Well here it is. Our day at the water park. We decided to not have a big holiday this summer, for two reasons. One was financial, and the other was that we want to save Roger's holidays for the fall or winter. So we buckled down, paid off two huge debts, worked a lot, and decided that summer was alright to spend at the local swimming hole, aka the backyard, check out local parks, and learn to ride bikes. We had a blast. But summer is not complete without one big hurrah for the kids. So off to the water slides we went. We had so much fun. Hayley was timid at first - as she does NOT like to be splashed or get her eyes wet. She was content to go up and down the little slider area, as her feet were always able to touch. She had a friend with her and the two of them were so good together! Quinn was in and out of the shallow water all day, wanting to jump and splash, I already can foresee Quinn splashing Hayley just because Hayley does not like it! Quinn is our terror.
Later in the day, Hayley and Roger went on the big ones together. She was so brave, walking up with Roger, as usually I would have to go up - she really likes to have me everywhere she is. Not this time! The two of them rode the slides together for about and hour, while Quinn, Lily and I swam together. Then Lily and Hayley went on the tube run together, all alone, with Roger and I waiting at the bottom. They seem so little to stand in line alone, but the park is full of parents and families, and so felt alright. Suddenly the air was full of little girls screams - they were coming down the shute and boy could you hear them! They had a blast and of course had to go again. We played and played and swam until 4pm, when we rewarded ourselves with an ice cream cone and came home. I feel blessed to have such a great family that has so much fun together!
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