-Mom and sister arrived on Friday morning. Hugs and cuddles a plenty as this was the first time that I met my new niece, Cadance, and fell immediately head over heals in love with her. She is JUST perfect, and my sister is the BEST mom.
-chat and catch up
-eat dinner
-find out where everyone will sleep
-cannot wait until Saturday!
-Loaded 1/2 ton of pea gravel in my mom's truck on Saturday morning for my Asian garden
-Unloaded above mentioned pea gravel with Roger
-Roger took bus to town to meet his two aunties who were also here from Quebec to see Gilles
-went to the nursery and got plants and pots for garden, while mom and sister were walking in the sunshine with all the girls (probably taking a ton of photos)
-unloaded truck with plants
-took Steph to the consignment store
-went to work for 8 hours at Moxies, while "Charlotte's Web" was viewed and popcorn was eaten
-kidnapped mom and went to Mattick's farm
-marked out other side of front yard with landscape ties
-shoveled free top soil into truck with Roger
-unloaded above mentioned soil onto front yard
-had a glass of wine
-drove to Sooke for a family dinner with all the French aunties, Gilles, Chantal, mom and sis, all of us, and cousins
-drove home from Sooke
-daycare kiddies arrived at 8am
-a pot of coffee and a loaf of bread later, we have all eaten
-daycare kiddies continue to arrive ALL morning (eek, what was I thinking...)
-mom and Steph go to scrapbook store
-I go to elementary school, preschool and the grocery store
-feed everyone (daycare wise) lunch and lay most down for naps
-Roger comes home at 2pm
-I leave at 2:05pm to go and load the truck with pea gravel for other side
-unload the crap once again
-daycare kids running amok outside and get picked up one by one
-have a glass of wine
-and another
-and maybe just one more
-bath all kids, all the while taking mass photos
-have one last night with mom and Steph and Cadance
-daycare kids arrive at 8am
-sister sleeping in living room, wakes up on her own at 7:30 so she can have a cup of coffee with me before the kids all wake up and arrive
-keep HP home from school so that she can have one last visit and cuddle with her nana
-entice Quinners to do the same
-help load truck for mom and sis' trip to ferries
-all the while stifling a tear
-all wave bye-bye, knowing in my heart that I want ONE MORE DAY WITH MY MOM
-know that things are left unsaid
-drive to preschool
-drive to elementary school
-do about 5 loads of laundry and stifle a tear
-feel as though the house is TOO quiet, even though there are still 3 daycare kiddies here
-think that I am fine, then TH (daycare boy), says, 'I miss nana darling"
-busy myself all day by transplanting plants into pots that I bought on Saturday
-cook dinner
-drive to Lacrosse
-upload 350 photos
Photos to come. I am off to bed, to take off my superwoman cape and have a chamomile tea and a cry. I miss my mom.