Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Things to do at 7:30am

On Thursday night we went out and bought the girls a water table. Basically it is a free standing table with stations to play with either water or sand. They love it! So at 7:30am on Friday they were out there mucking around. As you can see, Hayley took the time to get out of her pj bottoms and put on some joggers, but Quinn opted for the "shoes over the pj feet" look.
They played out there for about 45 minutes, came in shivering and soaked, so then had a bath to warm up. You have to love entertained kids so that I can enjoy my coffee in the morning!!!

The photos show a little of the backyard, but really does not do it justice. We had a grand bbq on Sunday afternoon, our biggest "hosting" yet. All the kids played so well, all the adults behaved and a good time was had by all. Next time I am having it catered so that I do not have to do the bbq'ing - but other than that I had a blast. So very thankful for the friends that we have made here in Victoria, with all the friends that my girls have and the stability of knowing that we have numerous individuals to count on for support if need be. A great weekend!


Anna K said...

Glad the bbq went so well. My girls love the water table too, except that Brynn thinks anything that holds water (mud puddle, foot spa, water table etc) is a bathtub. Keep the photos coming, I love seeing them.

Melanie said...

Me too, love your pictures of the girls!

That water table DOES look fun. I might even enjoy playing with that someday when we come to visit!! ;)

Can't wait to see some pics of the yard!!! hint.. hint..

Sherri said...

I am a little miffed that I never got invited to the BBQ (LOL) You yard from what I can see looks wonderful and the water table looks like great fun. Glad the girls like to go out early and enjoy!