Saturday, May 20, 2006

Yahoo! It is almost over!!

Over, as it fini, done, complete, textbook closed, chapter finished, book returned. Hayley is almost home! She has spent the last ten days at her dad's/grandparent's house with cousins from Calgary and a small family reunion. I have missed her terribly, but have managed to do some projects around the house and keep busy. Now I just have to make it through the weekend and on Monday she is back. I CANNOT wait until my family is all sleeping under the same roof again.

I walked Elk and Beaver Lake with my friend Jen on Friday, and it made my wonder why I am not taking advantage of the beautiful surroundings that the Island has to offer more often. It was serene, quiet except for the small children asking for more snacks and the sounds of horse hoof prints, and an awesome time to catch up on the "goings-on" in each others lives. Now I have a date to do it again on Monday with a girl from work. I look forward to it.

Not much else to say, off to bartend at work today and then maybe to The Divinci Code with Roger tonight. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend - this clouded over Victoria Day long weekend here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah it will be so nice to have Hayley back. I'm excited for you! Really enjoyed our walk too....hope to do it again soon.
Enjoy the movie!