Monday, May 07, 2007

Thinking about the barter system...

So, we have this website here in Victoria called It is an online garage sale of sorts. Basically you log on, flog your stuff or buy someone else's flogged stuff. I only made one error - I logged on. Bought the girls some fine bunk beds if you ask me. Now, looking to get out of debt, trying to save for a holiday to Vernon in less than two months, and I recently quit my job at Moxies. (where mind you, could have paid for above mentioned bunk beds in two shifts....that is neither here nor there)

Dilemma - I think so. So what does a bargain hunter like me do in a situation like this? Flog off enough of our stuff to make up the difference, yep that is what I did. Sold Hayley's Captain's bed (why would she need it with new bunks...not yet paid for or picked up mind you). Sold off some girls clothes, well it is summer and kids wear less now. Hey, if I would have got any money I would have sold off Roger. At least he is handy, but then who would help me assemble the bunk beds? I could always call the Queen, she is very handy and the I am envious of her knowledge with a power tool or two. Or ten. Me, I just wear the belt that holds the tools.

Bingo. Items sold, money in wallet. Off to get bunks. They are a beaut. From IKE*A, two years old, mattresses included and a steal of a deal. Assembled in a flash (while I did NOT give orders and random advice from the door, I learned my lesson with the crib). I waited downstairs. Patiently. Only tiptoeing up a few times when the swear words got loud.

Kiddies went to sleep in our bed, and will wake up in the new ones. Won't HP be thrilled when she falls out of bed? Plan for Tuesday, let HP wake up enough so that she can negotiate the ladder.

I love things that don't cost money. Someone's junk is our new treasure. I think that we should all go back to the barter system. I seem to remember when my dad had a boat motor - no boat. A side of beef for some work he did on a car. A fence built for a new transmission. I learned from the best. Thanks dad for the lesson - life is not handed to you on a silver platter. Sometimes you have to sell something for it to be served to you.

Just don't sell the platter.


Melanie said...

We dont' have anything like that around here.

Perhaps I should start a website like that and get rich quick?? ;)

Let's see some pics of the beds!!! They sound beautiful, but then again anything from Ikea is beautiful!!!! I love that store!

Lynn Barry said...


Anonymous said...

I found a cute little plastic picnic table for the kiddies for outstide! 15 bucks! Haven't paid or picked up yet either. Bunk beds sound awesome!! Hope HP didn't fall out...eek! Must be so much more room in thier room now!

LKW said...

It's all about the bargains! In high school my dad bartered with my orthodontist-he got a new well, I got braces.

Anna K said...

oh, you make me laugh. Need those bunkbeds painted a different color? How about new bedding? If you do, I'm your girl. All this and brains too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA