Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just a slight lisp...nothing to worry about!

Well here she is, no teeth, but richer than all get out. She can almost put her whole tongue through the gap! Have you seen the trailer for "CARS"? The tow truck is from the deep south and says, "Well gollll-eeee", and that is what we were going around saying to her before they came out! Needless to say, she was less than impressed, and probably breathed a sigh of relief when they finally came out!
Not sure if this one does any more justice to the gap that was created, but she sure looks and sounds cute now! Is this my introduction to the "angst" years? Where their body is in a constant state of change.....oh my heavens, I just thought about that. Does this mean that we both may be going through some changes at the same time? In ten years when I MAY be going through the menopause thingy (I will be 45 then girls), she will be 16. Eeek, hate to be living with us at that time.....god help Roger.


Anonymous said...

OMG she is so beautiful, even without teeth!! What a star! So proud of you Hay! Mich, just live in the now, don't start thinking about 16..eek!

Anna K said...

I know where to come if I need to borrow some cash. Wow, two at the same time. Bet it was exciting. Did you do the water in the glass thing?

Sherri said...

Connor thinks she is so lucky. He has lost no teeth and none loose as of yet! LOL She looks so much like you Michelle. She is a little beauty!