My boss is very picky today. She has presented me with deadlines that are impossible to meet, she is demanding, temperamental and above all - irrational. I don't know what to do. It is not as if I can just quit, I have others that depend on me. My job is not an easy on to fill either - not like you can just put an add in the paper and wait for the responses to pour in.
Some days my boss is great. She makes me laugh, fosters my self esteem, tells me I am beautiful, and wants to be around me. Then there are days like today.
My boss is two and a half. Her name is Quinn, and she needs a nap.
For those that do not know I am taking a parenting course through the LIFE seminars. It is aptly called "Sidestepping the Power Struggle" and I love it. I am learning so much, and it is enabling me to be a better parent. This is a excerpt from my course.
Effective parents produce normal children, not "good children". The message "I love you honey, but I hate everything about your behaviour!" doesn't have a great outcome in the bigger picture. If we are expecting children to be "good" then we really have to CUT IT OUT! Good children curb curiosity in order to be quiet, hide strong feeling and learn to be obedient. They can grow into adults who permit others to treat them badly, can't stand up for themselves or be assertive, and feel ashamed of their true self.
Isn't it amazing to hear people describe a good baby? Sleeps a lot, eats a lot, has bowel movements at regular times and doesn't cry much. The child gets older and starts to separate and assert himself and now what? Does that make him bad? It seems that "good" just means creating little work or trouble for adults. It has nothing to do with the child's moral awareness, kindness, empathy, psychological or spiritual health.
This is normal, healthy childish behaviour. Does your child fit here anywhere?
*makes messes and forgets to clean up (take a look in my girls room)
*gets into a lot of things (my makeup, hair products, cotton balls.....)
*misuses time (time to go in the van = time to find a toy)
*gets distracted (getting her backpack takes 15 minutes)
*fails to plan ahead (not hungry now = no food for later)
*makes great messes and resists (or can't) clean up (my life, need not expand)
*says things that aren't true (Quinn was once sick while riding in a helicopter)
*loses things (jackets, water bottles, agenda, scarf, mitts, head)
*can't focus on what is my mind (manners)
*has mistaken ideals about the world (money grows on trees)
*forgets her manners (dinner every night)
*can act rude, inconsiderate and loud (farting and laughing, then telling everyone again)
*seems to think only of herself (but I need it right now, don't care if you are peeing)
*argues about silly things (rubber boots do go with everything you know!)
*says she can't do things that she can do just fine (like walking)
My kids must be normal. Maybe I need a coffee break from my little bossy boss today.
I work for one of those bosses too.
Sometimes I wonder who really is in control?
you make me want cadance to be small forever, because she was a good baby!!! what have i got myself into, that's sis
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